The Tomato I Love The Best


The photo doesn't do it justice, especially with the flash spots, but by the time I realized that, the subject of the photograph had been consumed.


Reported to be Europe's most popular market tomato, Carmello doesn't ship well, hence its rarity here.

Nor is Carmello one of the lobed whopper/Big Boy/Mortgage Lifter behemoths that many gardeners favor.

Rather, this is a smallish, round tomato whose flavor I find rich yet subtler than its larger relatives. There's a fruitiness, an undertone or resonance that I find unique to Carmello, and that I adore.

This one was grown from seeds ordered from John Scheeper's Kitchen Kitchen Garden, and this particular Carmello, the most delicious of the season, benefited, I think, from a hot summer, not to mention care and attention from its hot gardener.

A delicious, delicate — in terms of shipping, not growth — tomato, deeply loved in the garden and on the tongue.